Vol 1 No 19 | Week of September 29

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County Uses Tax Increase for Political Propaganda

Hillside voters got the first set of Freeholder reelection mailings this weekend. But the mailings were not paid for by a campaign account. No, it was all paid for by taxpaying homeowners.

The mailer, which lauded the County's "job training and placement" STAR program, is drawn up in the same style and colors of the Democrats' campaign fliers.

The Board of Chosen Freeholders is known for using public funds to promote themselves. For instance, in the last election cycle the county purchased expensive color billboards for its county parks. The signs feature all the names of the freeholders. One sign was only up for less than a week - but long enough for the three incumbents to take a campaign picture in front of it.

Gov. James McGreevey also likes to use tax dollars to place his mug on billboards and advertisements. According to the Star-Ledger, the state wasted $2.4 million on tourism ads featuring McGreevey. As if the sight of McGreevey would attract tourists: the Guv isn't even liked by the people living here!


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