Vol 1 No 16 | Week of September 1

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Board Member: BOE is No Social Club

By Nathalie Yafet, Hillside School Board members

Supermarket tabloids compete for our attention every week with gossipy stories about actors, politicians and aliens and our local Worrall newspaper is learning a trick or two from their techniques.

The Worrall publication stated that the board retreat was cancelled "after it couldn't get members to show up." The truth is that six board members were fully committed to attending the retreat and three board members had family issues which came up suddenly. Our board president rightly felt that an effective board retreat should have all members present and so made the decision to cancel. The retreat will most likely be held in October because of the limited number of dates that New Jersey School Board facilitators have available to work with us.

It was also alleged that I "accused" a board member of violating a New Jersey School Board Association policy. This is completely false. I never made such a statement as New Jersey School Boards has no policies governing any local school board actions. What I actually said is that I am the Hillside delegate for The Union County Educational Services Commission and their business administrator polls the board members on the morning of the scheduled meeting in order to ensure a quorum so that additional attorney fees are not incurred and other board members and the public are not inconvenienced. I went on to suggest that perhaps our business administrator's office or the superintendent's office should do the same.

The article goes on to say that Sergio Bichao sent another board member "a nasty email." Mr. Bichao was not called to give his side of the story.

Responsible journalists check their facts and give people who are accused of something a chance to respond to those accusations. This was not done. Sergio Bichao, Sip Whitaker and I were not called to answer the allegations made by other board members. Since when are tactics like this employed by a newspaper that expects to be taken seriously.

The members of this board of education were elected for the same purpose: to serve the students, parents and employees of the Hillside School District and the Hillside community. Our accomplishments so far speak for themselves. The number of law firms has been reduced from five to two (a significant savings for taxpayers) we have rehired a responsible auditor, and we have survived a devastating budget cut of one million dollars. A board of education is not elected to be a social club or to plot political coups.


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