Vol 1 No 16 | Week of September 1

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No More Kangaroo Courts

It has recently been suggested that the Hillside Township Council and Mayor should set up an "internal investigation to examine" how Hillside has become embroiled in the state billboard scandal, that is, how laws and legal protocol were twisted or ignored by government officials in order to extract money from the profitable advertising industry.

An "internal investigation"? That assertion is almost as laughable as suggesting that prisoners should guard themselves. And as ludicrous as believing that the New Jersey Ethics Commission - whose members are beholden to the Governor for their jobs and money - are fair arbiters of the Governor's ethical actions.

Let us not forget the "internal investigations" of days gone by in Hillside. One that comes right to mind is the infamous "Rowen Investigation". This was just a few years ago when three Councilmembers decided they would "investigate" the actions of their opponent, former Mayor Barbara Rowen. The so-called investigation was a farce of itself: it was timed to coincide during the mayoral elections and the members refused to hear any testimony or evidence that may have implicated themselves or former administrations presided by their Party. In the end, the fake investigation turned up nothing of substance.

If the public ever expects to get any answers, if the public will ever know for sure just who exactly are the crooks and lackeys on their governing body, then an OUTSIDE investigation must be launched. The CITIZEN-DISPATCH suggests that this be another case for US Attorney Chris Christie, who has made a reputation out of busting crooked Garden State pols. No doubt his office is probably sniffing this out already.


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