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  Senator Sharpe's Dull Record

By Sergio Bichao

Many Hillsiders are surprised to hear that Newark Mayor Sharpe James also represents Hillside as the state Senator for District 29. This "surprise" is largely because James, who has served as Senator for the past few years, has only bothered to appear in Hillside no more than three times and hasn't voted, sponsored or written a single piece of legislation with Hillside in mind.

Only now that James is facing formidable opposition from Luis Quintana in the June 3rd Democratic Primary is our Senator remembering that our town even exists. Unfortunately, Election Day doesn't come everyday and Hillside is suffering as a result having legislators who turn a blind eye to us.

Sharpe James has had many opportunities to show Hillsiders that he cares, especially on the issues of property tax relief and school aid. Taxes are insurmountable and school districts are poorly funded in many municipalities including Hillside. When Jim McGreevey, the so-called "Education governor", compounded this problem by cutting and stagnating funding to school districts, the result was higher property tax bills and defeated school budgets. Senator James, meanwhile, was busy lobbying for a sports arena for his city.

Hillsiders have begged, pleaded, made phone calls, sent emails, and signed petitions - but always Mr. James ignores us. Does he take us for granted? Does he think he can get by without our votes? Judging by his record, he may not even be aware that Hillside is in his district!

Thankfully, Democratic voters in Hillside will have an opportunity to send someone else to Trenton on their behalf. I am supporting Luis Quintana, a long-time Newark councilman, in the June 3rd primary and urge other Hillside Democrats to do the same. If we expect to have any voice in state government, it is up to us to elect a representative who understands what our community needs.

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