Vol 1 No 12 | Week of July 28

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This is a new column in the Hillside Citizen-Dispatch dedicated to criticism of local newspapers.

Why is this necessary? It is said that an informed people is a free people. But people need the correct information, not lies and deception.

When the press become the henchmen of political crooks, the press must be exposed just like politicians themselves.

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We hear that many Worrall newspaper reporters/editors go on to become employees for the Union County government.

Well, that explains all the "good press" those Freeholders have always gotten from that newspaper chain.

I wonder if the revolving door applies to reporters at the Home News Tribune. Its county correspondent is notorious for rewriting government press releases as news stories. Does this reporter work for the Tribune or does she work for Elizabeth Mayor Bollwage and Sen. Ray Lesniak and his Freeholders?

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It's been weeks since the Philadelphia Inquirer reported on Hillside officials' involvement in the McGreevey billboard scandal, in which administration members made millions by misusing their authority and manipulating the law.

But Hillside's paper of record, the Gazette-Leader, STILL has NOT reported one sentence on the issue!

Meanwhile, the Star-Ledger, which can be expected to have an article on the state scandal every day, has surprisingly followed suit in not reporting the Hillside connection in its "Union County" section.

Could it be that that mystery "Union County Democratic Party operative" who pulled the McGreevey administration's strings to get the Hillside billboard approved is also pulling the strings at Worrall Newspapers and the Star-Ledger?


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