Vol 1 No 15 | Week of August 25

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$am McGhee's Disregard for Taxpayers

The Council President, Sam McGhee, feels that he and his colleagues are deserving of the pay raise they just gave themselves. They take it as a "token of appreciation" from the taxpayers and residents of Hillside, all of whom believe that the Council is doing a magnificent job. Or so the Councilmembers claim.

In reality, the township is no better than when the current Council majority took control a few years ago. Taxes remain high, and continue to soar. Any major improvements that the Council can take credit for are only a result of funds provided by the County and State. Where can Hillside taxpayers see their money in action?

The Council claims that it puts in a lot of hours and should be compensated. None of the councilmembers are novices to the governing body. They have years of experience and if the pay did not suit them, then they should not have run for re-election again, and again, and again. Ward 4 Councilman Gerald "Pateesh" Freedman is right: they knew what they all were signing up for.

The pay raise is not based on merit, but on politics. As this news publication has stated before, this same council refused former Mayor Barbara Rowen a salary when she served as full-time Mayor of our town. But the Council did give the new Mayor a $10,000 salary, even though McCoy-Oliver is hardly ever at a Council meeting or township event.

Giving the officials of the "other side" a raise is out of the question, but giving themselves a raise, that's perfectly OK. Actually, its perfect hypocrisy.

In times like these, the Council and other politicians on every level of government should be cutting perks for politicians. But the Council, and every other level of government, keeps piling them on.

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