Vol 1 No 14 | Week of August 18

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Summer Blackout: Hillside Spared

By Ambrose Bierce, Editor-in-Chief

It was around 4 o'clock on August 14. First the lights blinkered. Then they went off - for over four hours.

Hillside homes, businesses and traffic signals were affected by the blackout, the Hillside Police Department confirms.

But the four-hour black out in Union County was nothing compared to how long people in northern New Jersey, New York and parts of the Midwest had to endure the most massive power failure since the 1970s.

It is still unknown what caused the blackout, although a terrorist attack was quickly ruled out. An antiquated power network was suspected by the Bush administration to be a possible culprit.

The blackout left an estimated 600 trains stranded on rails and in subways. The shutdown of public transit during rush hour in New York City left thousands of people on streets and bridges with no way to get home.

Hillside suffered no accidents, injuries, or crime during the power failure.

As of Sunday, much of the grid - which includes the North East, parts of Canada and the Midwest - was at normal power levels.

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